Tag Archives: Article


Ascorbic Acid Is Not Vitamin C

This will be a short chapter, but after you’re finished with it, you will know more about vitamins than 95% of clinical nutritionists, doctors, supplement sales force, or bodybuilders. If that sounds arrogant or overstated, it really isn’t my fault. I’m just a messenger; a purveyor of information. Either I’m right or the 95% are right; can’t be both.

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How To Restore Magnesium In 3 Steps

I am often asked, “So how much Magnesium do I need to take daily?” It’s a great question. And like most great questions, the answer is, “It depends.”

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What is Magnesium? How it Functions in the Body

Without magnesium we could not produce energy, our muscles would be in a permanent state of contraction, and we could not adjust the levels of cholesterol produced and released into the bloodstream.

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