How to actually raise Vitamin D levels
Mother Nature is wise beyond anything we understand. Vitamin D isn’t in many foods, and the foods in which D is have low levels. We’re supposed to get D from the sun. We only get small amounts of it in our food. End of story. You can’t bottle the sun and the supplement fad of taking synthetic hormones is dangerous!
Yep! Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin. It’s a hormone (Source) and we aren’t meant to eat hormones. We’re meant eat the building blocks that our bodies use to make hormones, which include vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol (fat).

There’s no denying Vitamin D is a crucial hormone, but synthetic vitamin D supplements cause excessive absorption of calcium in the gut, which increases serum calcium levels, and can lead to arterial calcification (Source) as well as other soft tissue calcification. Isolated D also causes renal potassium wasting (Source) and a loss of magnesium. Nearly everyone that has an extremely deficient level of potassium on their hair test will have used Vitamin D supplements in the past.